Brands M |N

A | B

C | D | E

F | G | H

I | J | K | L

M | N

O | P

R | S

T | V | W


MANA sm 2017
Filtration, rapid tests, water analysis, chromatography

MARI sm 2017
Glassware for Microscopy and Histology
MaxCyte Logo sm
Best-in-class electroporation technology combining high efficiency and cell viability with seamless scalability
B MSD 17
Meso Scale Discovery
Assays, instruments and reagents for rapid, sensitive and convenient biological measurements using patented ECL technology

B 0313 Miele
Miele Professional
Laboratory and hospital washers/disinfectors
B 0313 MolDev
Molecular Devices
Microplate readers & washers; microarray scanners; drug discovery; high content screening; research software; bio-production and development; Custom solutions for workflow; reagents

MPbio ICNA sm 0420
MP Biomedical
Life Science reagents, FastPrep Homogeniser and lysing matrices, chemicals, kits


NABE sm 0420
Muffle, ashing and tube furnaces
NSTG sm 2017
NanoString Technologies
See Bruker Spatial Biology

NovaBiomedical sm 0724
Nova Biomedical 
Develop and manufacture advanced technology blood testing analyzers