Brands C | D | E

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CIL sm 2017
Cambridge Isotope Labs
CIL is the world’s leading producer of stable isotopes and stable isotope-labeled compounds
CareDX Logo SM
deliver solutions that support your broad spectrum of transplant diagnostic needs, from initial matching to post-transplant monitoring and care

CORN sm 2018
A large range of Life Science products for cell culture, genomics and microbiology, liquid handling, filtration and laboratory glassware

COSP Cospak 17
Laboratory consumables, glass and plastic containers, bottles and packaging
CRYO sm 0915
Benchtop frozen sample aliquotter
Cytiva GEHE sm 0820
provide protein purification chromatography with AKTA systems & columns, resins for FPLC, Western Blotting reagents, membranes & imaging systems, Biacore consumables, Nucleic acid purification & amplification in the illustra range, Percoll & Ficoll cell density media and Whatman filtration products


DRGI sm 0313
DRG International
Specialist diagnostic EIA assays
DUPO 2017
Protective Apparel

DWK sm 0820
DWK Life Sciences
Duran (Schott ) - Wheaton - Kimble - SciLabware
A wide range of plastic labware and specialty products for life science applications



ELET Elctrothermal sm 2017
Water purification systems - Type I, II & III, water storage solutions, centralised water distribution solutions

ELGA sm 2017
Elga Veolia
Specialists for water purification systems, from RO Grade routine washing to ultrapure critical use
EPRE Epredia
Anatomical Pathology Equipment and Consumables including printing, tissue processing, embedding, cryotomy, microtomy, staining, cytology, digital pathology, microscope slides and coverslips
ESCO sm 0214
Biological safety cabinets, lab incubators and ovens, fume hoods, laminar flow cabinets, PCR cabinets, animal containment workstations and powder weighing balance enclosures; IVF incubators and workstations; Isolators, Air Showers, Transfer Hatches, Soft Wall Clean Rooms

SVAR EURO sm 0420
see SVAR