CIL is the world’s leading producer of stable isotopes and stable isotope-labeled compounds |
deliver solutions that support your broad spectrum of transplant diagnostic needs, from initial matching to post-transplant monitoring and care |
A large range of Life Science products for cell culture, genomics and microbiology, liquid handling, filtration and laboratory glassware
Laboratory consumables, glass and plastic containers, bottles and packaging |
Benchtop frozen sample aliquotter |
provide protein purification chromatography with AKTA systems & columns, resins for FPLC, Western Blotting reagents, membranes & imaging systems, Biacore consumables, Nucleic acid purification & amplification in the illustra range, Percoll & Ficoll cell density media and Whatman filtration products |
Specialist diagnostic EIA assays |
Protective Apparel |
Duran (Schott ) - Wheaton - Kimble - SciLabware
A wide range of plastic labware and specialty products for life science applications
Water purification systems - Type I, II & III, water storage solutions, centralised water distribution solutions |
Specialists for water purification systems, from RO Grade routine washing to ultrapure critical use |
Anatomical Pathology Equipment and Consumables including printing, tissue processing, embedding, cryotomy, microtomy, staining, cytology, digital pathology, microscope slides and coverslips |
Biological safety cabinets, lab incubators and ovens, fume hoods, laminar flow cabinets, PCR cabinets, animal containment workstations and powder weighing balance enclosures; IVF incubators and workstations; Isolators, Air Showers, Transfer Hatches, Soft Wall Clean Rooms |
see SVAR |